RHAI Zara Top, Random Pants, Wade Shoes, Random Accessories
COI Zara Top, Pants and Pumps, Mango Blazer, SM Department Store Clutch, Random Accessories
GIGS Zara Top, Topshop Pants, Aldo Booties, Gap Cap, SM Department Store, Random Accessories
Androgynous - neither clearly masculine nor clearly feminine in appearance.
This was our peg for today's shoot. And whom better to get inspiration but from the style director of Elle USA, the great Kate Lanphear. I hope we did justice to her androgynous meets glamourous style.
In the other news, catch Rhai in MEGA Fashion Crew - Extreme Edition on ETC. Mondays, 7 pm, replays on Sunday 9 am.
Happy Weekend!
Much love,